



Lat. N

long. E

Passo della Bocchetta

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge Alta Via Info h24 - Water





Pian di Reste







Alta Via Info h24 - Water





Crossroads for Agriturismo La Costa

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge





Passo dei Giovi

Alta Via Info h24 - Shelter Alta Via Info h24 - Water Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge





Santuario della Vittoria

Alta Via Info h24 - Shelter Alta Via Info h24 - Water





Crossroads for Casa Vacanze La Terrazza

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge





Crocetta d'Orero

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge Alta Via Info h24 - Water





Casale Sella






Colle di Creto

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge Alta Via Info h24 - Water





Per ulteriori informazioni chiamate / If you need further information please contact / Für weitere informationen wenden Sie sich an / Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter Alta Via Info H24:

+39. 338. 16 29 347 -



Ospitalità Alta Via dei Monti Liguri

The accommodation facilities mentioned in this guide with complete details and direct contacts are those that adhere to the network of Ospitalità Alta Via and that have actively contributed to the creation of this guide and the publication of its continuous updates.

However, in this geographical section there are others of which, for due regard to the former, only the name and a code reference is mentioned: for clarification and whereabouts on these, contact Alta Via Info H24


B&B Casa Torre   |   code: boc1 - CITR 010009-BEB-0004


Latit. N - Long. E

Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Casa Torre

44,53019N   8,88016E

Ghersi - Pietralavezzara, Campomorone

See position on Google Maps

Distance from AV

17 km from Colla di Praglia, 4 km from Passo della Bocchetta - Shuttle service to/from both locations available on request

Contact person


Spoken languages

English - French


Shuttle service available on request from/to Genoa railway stations, the airport and other locations - Restaurant nearby - For horses and donkeys only fenced outdoor area

Alta Via Info h24 - Cartography Alta Via Info h24 - Free internet Alta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day after Alta Via Info h24 - Breakfast Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchen Alta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair tools Alta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger Alta Via Info h24 - Private shuttle Alta Via Info h24 - Pets allowed Alta Via Info h24 - Horses and donkeys shelter and refreshment Alta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Available services.

Check with owner/keeper

Rifugio Escursionistico   |   code: boc2


Latit. N - Long. E

Alta Via Info H24 - Rifugio Escursionistico Pietralavezzara

44,53834N   8,88268E


Vedi la posizione su Google Maps

Distance from AV

3,5 km


Italian: Emilio +39. 349. 64 90 992 - English/French: Claudio +39. 338. 16 29 347


Not available - reservations via Whatsapp


Not available

Contact person

Claudio - Emilio

Spoken languages

English - French


Grocery store in the village, "do it yourself" breakfast, dinner at a restaurant/pizzeria 100 meters from the refuge (check weekly closure), regular bus to Genoa city

Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchen Alta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair tools Alta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger Alta Via Info h24 - Private shuttle Alta Via Info h24 - Pets allowed

Available services.

Check with owner/keeper

Agriturismo La Costa   |   code: gio1 - CITR 010035-AGR0001


Latit. N - Long. E

Alta Via Info H24 - Agriturismo La Costa

44,54553N   8,90853E

Costagiutta - Mignanego

See position on Google Maps

Distance from AV

1.2 km from AV

Contact person

Silvana and Mauro

Spoken languages



Catering to be agreed with the keepers

Alta Via Info h24 - Cartography Alta Via Info h24 - Free internet Alta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day after Alta Via Info h24 - Breakfast Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchen Alta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair tools Alta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger Alta Via Info h24 - Private shuttle Alta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Available services.

Check with owner/keeper

Passo dei Giovi

For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

Alta Via Relax   |   code: gio5

Alta Val Secca - Catering only

For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

Cascina Castello   |   code: vit1

La Terrazza   |   code: bes1 - CITR 010065-LT-0004


Latit. N - Long. E

Alta Via Info H24 - La Terrazza

44,54296N   8,98066E


See position on Google Maps

Distance from AV

2.8 km - 0.7 km on the path to Gualdrà Superiore + 2.1 km to the structure



Contact person


Spoken languages

French - English


To reach the structure, leave the AV in position 44.53514N  8.96392E, reach the village of Gualdrà Superiore from where a shuttle service is available upon advance request

Alta Via Info h24 - Cartography Alta Via Info h24 - Free internet Alta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day after Alta Via Info h24 - Breakfast Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchen Alta Via Info h24 - Restaurant Alta Via Info h24 - Private shuttle Alta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair tools Alta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Available services.

Check with owner/keeper


For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

Rifugio Ciao   |   code: cia1

B&B Crocevia del Sale   |   code: cro2


Latit. N - Long. E

Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Crocevia del Sale

44,53921N   8,99749E


See position on Google Maps

Distance from AV

2,4 km from Crocetta d’Orero

Contact person

Ubaldo and Stella

Spoken languages



Dinner available at the nearby pizzeria - Shuttle service on request in advance from/to Crocetta d’Orero

Alta Via Info h24 - Cartography Alta Via Info h24 - Free internet Alta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day after Alta Via Info h24 - Breakfast Alta Via Info h24 - Restaurant Alta Via Info h24 - Private shuttle Alta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair tools Alta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Available services.

Check with owner/keeper

Tre Fontane (Montoggio)

For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

Albergo Rosin   |   code: cre2

Colle di Creto

For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

B&B Kokopelli   |   code: cre3

Molassana (Genova)

For clear details of them, their contacts and location please contact Alta Via info H24   |   mail

B&B Il Cedro   |   code: cre4



Locality   |   Check potability

Lat. N

long. E

Passo della Bocchetta - Spring just behind the chapel



On the way to Passo dei Giovi - Spring



Passo dei Giovi - Various shops - Public tap



Santuario della Vittoria - At Bar Bianca - Public tap



Crocetta d'Orero - At Antica Trattoria del Bado and Ristorante Morando



Colle di Creto - At Barcabà and Locanda dei Cacciatori







Lat. N

long. E

Passo dei Giovi - Shelter




Santuario della Vittoria - Shelter




Crocetta d'Orero - Shelter






Pietralavezzara (Campomorone)   |   Ristorante Pizzeria Moretto



Passo dei Giovi   |   Tana dell'Orso Pub



Crocetta d'Orero   |   Ristorante Morando



Crocetta d'Orero   |   Antica Trattoria del Bado



Colle di Creto   |   Locanda dei Cacciatori


Learn more in the Lodging tab



Alta Via Info h24 - Food and drinks    Food and drinks (on prior request at all our accommodation facilities)

Colla di Praglia e Passo della Bocchetta

Courtesy of B&B Casa Torre

Passo dei Giovi

At Tana dell'Orso Pub

Passo dei Giovi

At the grocery Briciole di Pane, phone +39. 349. 51 22 351 (closed on Sunday afternoon and Monday)

Santuario della Vittoria

At Bar Bianca (cafeteria, sandwiches and drinks)

Colle di Creto

At Barcabà

Alta Via Info h24 - Shuttle services    Other shuttle services (in addition to those provided by lodgings)


Alta Via Info h24 - Public bus    Public bus


From/to Genova

Passo dei Giovi

From/to Busalla e Genova

Crocetta d'Orero

From/to Casella

Colle di Creto

From/to Genova

Alta Via Info h24 - Train    Train






The so-called Trenino di Casella - narrow gauge - connects this small inland village to the city of Genoa: an exciting experience for hikers too. The daily trips are not many, it is recommended to consult the timetables on the website

Alta Via Info h24 - Luggage transport    Luggage transport

All along the section

Provided by various accommodation facilities. For information and agreements contact Alta Via Info H24:

Alta Via Info h24 - ATM - Cash dispensers     ATM - Cash dispensers


By shuttle service provided by B&B Casa Torre





Alta Via Info h24 - Nearby villages and towns     Nearby villages and towns


Reachble from Passo della Bocchetta


Reachble from Passo dei Giovi


Reachble from Crocetta d'Orero


This is not a daily stage, you can autonomously elaborate the daily stages according to your needs, capability and training

Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri

© 2024 Claudio Simonetti



Realizzazione Fase
Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - ShelterAlta Via Info h24 - WaterAlta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - ShelterAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Casa Torre

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Pets allowedAlta Via Info h24 - Horses and donkeys shelter and refreshmentAlta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Alta Via Info H24 - Rifugio Escursionistico Pietralavezzara

Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Pets allowed

Alta Via Info H24 - Agriturismo La Costa

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Alta Via Info H24 - La Terrazza

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - RestaurantAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Crocevia del Sale

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - RestaurantAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Alta Via Info h24 - Food and drinks

Alta Via Info h24 - Shuttle services

Alta Via Info h24 - Public bus

Alta Via Info h24 - Train

Alta Via Info h24 - Luggage transport

Alta Via Info h24 - ATM - Cash dispensers

Alta Via Info h24 - Nearby villages and towns

Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Realizzazione Fase
Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - ShelterAlta Via Info h24 - WaterAlta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - ShelterAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - Refuge

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Alta Via Info h24 - Hotel - B&B - RefugeAlta Via Info h24 - Water

Ospitalità Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Casa Torre

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Pets allowedAlta Via Info h24 - Horses and donkeys shelter and refreshmentAlta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Alta Via Info H24 - Rifugio Escursionistico Pietralavezzara

Alta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Pets allowed

Alta Via Info H24 - Agriturismo La Costa

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery chargerAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Restaurant

Alta Via Info H24 - La Terrazza

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - Use of the kitchenAlta Via Info h24 - RestaurantAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Crocevia del Sale

Alta Via Info h24 - CartographyAlta Via Info h24 - Free internetAlta Via Info h24 - Food sale for the day afterAlta Via Info h24 - BreakfastAlta Via Info h24 - RestaurantAlta Via Info h24 - Private shuttleAlta Via Info h24 - Bike shelter and repair toolsAlta Via Info h24 - E-bike battery charger

Alta Via Info h24 - Food and drinks

Alta Via Info h24 - Shuttle services

Alta Via Info h24 - Public bus

Alta Via Info h24 - Train

Alta Via Info h24 - Luggage transport

Alta Via Info h24 - ATM - Cash dispensers

Alta Via Info h24 - Nearby villages and towns

Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide
Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Casa Torre
Alta Via Info H24 - Rifugio Escursionistico Pietralavezzara
Alta Via Info H24 - Agriturismo La Costa
Alta Via Info H24 - La Terrazza
Alta Via Info H24 - B&B Crocevia del Sale
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info H24 - Ruota il dispositivo

For correct viewing rotate the device horizontally

Alta Via Info h24 - Trekking guide
Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri