Alta Via Info h24

On line guide of Alta Via dei Monti Liguri

Shots of the trails

The photos are from several friends who helped us populate the site you are viewing and this gallery.

A galactic thank you is the least we can say to them.

It goes without saying that anyone who wants to contribute can send his photos: he does not earn much, indeed nothing, but a simple, huge and heartfelt thank you will not fail.

For good order sake,

the images must be at least 2,000 x 1,300 pixels, accompanied by the author's name, consent to their use and, above all they should be... beautiful!


Send them to:

Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri

© 2024 Claudio Simonetti



Realizzazione Fase
Shots by Mario Manola See the pictures
Shots by Enrico Bottino See the pictures
Shots by Nicola Damonte See the pictures
Shots by Walter Rebora See the pictures
Shots by Giada Scquizzato See the pictures
Shots by Michal Tersi See the pictures
Shots by Andrea Loleo See the pictures
Shots by Emanuele e Giuseppe Roccatagliata See the pictures
Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Realizzazione Fase
Shots by Mario Manola See the pictures
Shots by Enrico Bottino See the pictures
Shots by Nicola Damonte See the pictures
Shots by Walter Rebora See the pictures
Shots by Giada Scquizzato See the pictures
Shots by Michal Tersi See the pictures
Shots by Andrea Loleo See the pictures
Shots by Emanuele e Giuseppe Roccatagliata See the pictures
Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Shots by Mario Manola See the pictures
Shots by Enrico Bottino See the pictures
Shots by Nicola Damonte See the pictures
Shots by Walter Rebora See the pictures
Shots by Giada Scquizzato See the pictures
Shots by Michal Tersi See the pictures
Shots by Andrea Loleo See the pictures
Shots by Emanuele e Giuseppe Roccatagliata See the pictures
Shots by Mario Manola See the pictures
Shots by Enrico Bottino See the pictures
Shots by Nicola Damonte See the pictures
Shots by Walter Rebora See the pictures
Shots by Giada Scquizzato See the pictures
Shots by Michal Tersi See the pictures
Shots by Andrea Loleo See the pictures
Shots by Emanuele e Giuseppe Roccatagliata See the pictures
Alta Via Info H24 - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
Alta Via Info h24 - Guida online dell'Alta Via dei Monti Liguri